
Win Streaks from on January 25th, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Took Iphonz' list and pretty much only changed a few things because i personally prefer them.

Biggest changes imo are:

  • 3 Isoldes, mostly because 90% of players Imperm/Veiler right away so u often go through 2 Isoldes during your first turn and need to play 3 if you want access to it during your next turn. Also means i play 3 Lvl.1 Goukis.
  • Heroic Call instead of Ready Fusion, mostly because i didn't find the ED space for the Ready Fusion target.
  • DRNM/Red Reboot as non-engine because i find them incredibly good in this meta. Playing any Ghost Girl instead means you potentially can use them as material for Invoker tho.

[5 Winstreak in Master 4/5]

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