Superheavy Samurai

Win Streaks from on January 26th, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck is stupidly powerful, I'm still learning the proper lines but I picked it up in a day and went on a 9-1 streak only losing because of a coinstoss loss to stun. With multiple winstreaks since.

Lambda is just for extra lines around droll, also I have a royal one.

I'd run the samurai 12 synchro but I don't have the ur for it, you can take out lambda or savage dragon, I like og stardust simply because it protects you from nib and it can recycle baron if you have elf up (swap baron for accel in sp special bike in mp1 with elf and then summon baron off of accels effect boom you have a fresh negate and indestructable baron).

Only matchup that seems to put up any fight is lab and it's mostly due to floodgate nonsense or an obscene amount of gas going 1st.

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Replays - Going 2nd Vs. Runick Branded - Vs. Tearlament with spoly, droplets, and evenly matched - Going 2nd Vs Branded Bystial

I'd have more but people tend to concede when they know I can full combo, lots of vods on the channel though.