
Win Streaks from on July 22nd, 2022
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

@Ignister 10 win streak to Diamond 1

I know my build seems a bit weird but I'll quickly go over my choices

@Ignisters are pretty weak to disruptions when going second, so a large amount of handtraps and removal is recommended for BO1 meta.

Droll: This thing shuts down Adventurers and also the Birds. Also it would be nice to Crossout an enemy droll since Droll affects @Ignister gameplay a lot.

Artifact Lancea: The meta is seeing fewer and fewer birds, but I still recommend Lancea for two reasons 1)It still shuts down Phantom Knights and Tenyi 2)It protects other handtraps from being called by the grave or Crossout designator

Why is there no Hiyari in the deck? More hand traps.

Why @Ignister A.I.land is only at 2? I originally play it at 1, but I changed my mind and make it 2. Same reason, I placed more handtraps to ensure I get to play even when going second.

Why is there no Called by the grave in the build? It's because @Ignisters himself carries a lot of handtraps so Crossout designator does the job better than Called by the grave. Crossout designator even covers Nibiru and imperm which is really good to have in deck. Crossout can go to 3 if needed but I decided to place 2 so that I can have more handtraps.

Why two Accesscode talker? Basically if your first accesscode got Nibiru'ed, then if you manage to make 2 Extra Link value, you'll go into Transcode, revive Update Jammer, then you can get another accesscode.

Epic Replay: https://youtu.be/AdduF021UuY

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