Gunkan Suship

Win Streaks from on July 15th, 2023
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

*Uni + shari = Draco future + normal shari + shuship spell/trap + draw + no normal summon activate uni and summon the shari, make the uni lv 4, search shari red, make verpatu, search normal shari, activate shari red, make shirauo and search + draw, then the utopics *Any 2 level 4 = Draco Berseker + superfactorial live have on the field the 2 level 4, make Alemberdian search circular, circular mill nabla, activate Alemberdian tribute himself to bring nabla, circular search superfactorial, nabla tribute himself to bring diameter, make Berseker *A normal hand turn 1 makes Draco future + Dweler/Berzeker (see the oponent deck) + draw 1 + live superfactorial + suship trap/spell

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