Notes & Combos
Made a new account for gems but also to see if I could get M1 again with this deck. Got some replays here ID: 008-490-197
More of a tryhard version of the previous by adding the roach and -1 ogre dance for a second called by. All I can say is the roach definetly made it easier to climb as it created so many none games (for me and for my openent so equalled out the winrate)
Main endboard is shenshen with sharakusai and dragond drive and chuche. Sometimes with crystal wing dragon but then super poly is a threat to shenshen.
When I get evenly matched I tend to keep chuche and pop my own shenshen so I can revive it next turn. I also toggle on to activate the sharakusai just for the draw as you wont get that if you chain him to the evenly.
Overall climbed with appliancer adventure to P1 (dunno how) and then VW punk to M1. Also the deck gets better if golden beast cloud beast malong ever gets released as then the VW cards can make synchro 11 by themselves.