
Win Streaks from on July 29th, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

After a horrible 6 loss streak, I decided to study current meta decks better and tweak my previous deck slightly. Now I'm currenly M3 with a 10 winstreak. I've dropped Pot of Prosperity and a Veiler to put in 2 Drolls, as it's insane in the current Meta. I've also dropped Omega as it rarely shows up and having a second Zeus against Kash matters.

  • Droll severy cripples Yubel, sometimes FKSE, Purrely of course and many other decks.
  • Gamma is still insane against most decks, both going 1st and 2nd against almost every deck.
  • Against Yubel navigate the matchup carefully. Remember that Pretty Memory's Xyz absorb doesn't trigger Throne (and neither does it trigger the Horus effects).

Details on a few match-ups:

  • Yubel: spinning the Nightmare Pain or Samsara D Lotus feels like the right plays. Never spin the Spirit Gates, it's probably bait.
  • Centur-Ion: spin the field and their normal summon. Typhoon is the only way to deal with a Cosmic Blazar.
  • RACE: the goal is to avoid Turbulence to resolve. Ideally imperm/veiler/beauty it, or spin it (but they have ways to put it back on the field so be mindful of it).
  • Branded: Easy W going first as they don't have an easy way to deal with 5+ mats Noir, but can be very difficult going 2nd as they have non-targeting removal (Mirrorjade, super-poly, banishment...).
  • Kash: if you have only an Imperm, keep it for your turn. If you have Imperm + Ash, imperm the Unicorn and ash the eventual Theosis. Also keep Gamma for Arise-Heart on your turn, it's an easy out to it.
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I've included more recent replays: 969-550-297, feel free to comment on my missplays.