Superheavy Samurai

Win Streaks from on June 16th, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

for fenix ftk -- (with baronne and regulus protection)

  1. basic combo shs till qliphort,
  2. 2 monster to pendulum summon are wagon and any level 4. add regulus, ss it equip piercer
  3. wagon add soulgaia booster so you have 3 level 4
  4. 2 level 4 for summon banshee, 1 level 4 machine for summon fenix later
  5. banshee add poplar, ss poplar, add original
  6. ss ponix, add sanctuary
  7. activate sanctuary, set up fire king island
  8. make proxy f magician from qliphort and any (make sure you have 1 pyro and 1 machine)
  9. summon fenix activate (1)
  10. ss prom fire from fenix proxy
  11. ss fenix from gy, activate (2)
  12. make amblowahle from princess and other aside fenix
  13. make zealantis from ablow, activate
  14. activate fenix again (3)

note: to make sure fenix lethal, initial damage is 3000. its ez anyway to fill your field, go figure it out yourself. proxy can summon 1 from hand, fireking island can summon 2 from destroying 1 fire, poplar can be keep in st zone.

optimal endboard for non fenix ftk are Baronne, Regulus, Arvata, and Amblowhale ; in gy ; IP, Sacred Garunix, linkuriboh.

  1. basic combo till qliphort
  2. you only need 2 level 4 to pendulum summon to make banshee
  3. add regulus ss
  4. make banshee, add poplar
  5. ss poplar, add original
  6. make linkuriboh from poplar
  7. set poplar in st zone for original cost
  8. original ss ponix, add sanctuary
  9. activate sanctuary, set up fk island
  10. activate fk island, pop ponix, add sacred garunix
  11. ss garunix, pop arvata, ss ponix from gy
  12. make ip from ponix and garunix
  13. make prom princess from ip and linkuriboh, ss arvata from gy
  14. make amblowale from prom princess and banshee

note : qliphort still there not used, you can make appolousa if you can get more 2 bodies ( from pendulum summon hts, adding soulgaia booster ~from wagon or from popping soulpiercer that regulus equip~ . Appo early is just bonus, you can make appo later after arvata popping amblowahle then summon ip from gy with sacred garunix and ponix as extra body, well you can make sp if you have appo early and ponix for linkuriboh.

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