Stardust Bystial

Win Streaks from on June 8th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 660
54 cards

Notes & Combos

Catapult tribute itself to summon Eset, Tribute Eset with Stardust Synchron to summon Wattail. You can also summon Wattail with Carboneddon(works with foolish burial as well)

Catapult/Stardust Synchron/Kaiser Glider all work with Lair to tribute your opponents monster. Magnamhut adds Kaiser Glider to quick effect tribute during their turn.

Main combo is Stardust Synchron + Bystial/Wattail into Dis Pater with Arrive in Light activated,

Draw 1 and summon Converging Wills Dragon(CWD) on chain link 1,(do not activate Saronir or any effect that will shuffle your deck)

CWD summons Brotaur, search Lubellion or any DARK Dragon. Or CWD summons BMD then make seals if you haven't already.

Banish Stardust Synchron from your gy to summon a Bystial.

Dis pater summons a Stardust Synchron from banished, make Shooting Majestic Star Dragon with Dis Pater and CWD.

From there you can go into Speeder, Baronne, Crimson Dragon and Lubellion set up Beast/Regained etc.

if you don't open Bystials you can go into Seals with the BMD engine and tribute Seals with Stardust Synchron to summon Magnamhut

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042-443-176 Most of the replays are with variations of this deck. They're a lot of fun to watch!!