
Win Streaks from on March 16th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 420
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Main idea of this deck is to conduct your Nephthys plays before your Spright plays, and then use the material from your Nephthys plays to supplement your Spright links and XYZ. Good hands will leave you on a full material Sacred Flame, a small Spright Endboard (Red, Blue, Elf), and a destroyed Nephthys in the Graveyard. You can forego the Sacred Flame, and just use the Nephthys material to have a robust Spright endboard. With interruptions, you'll typically get the Spright Endboard. Just don't get Maxx C'd. Since this deck has so much destruction, you can add Dagda and Scythe for cheeky lock-outs as well. Fetch and pop OG Nephthys turn 1 to act as a Spell/Trap timebomb turn 3. Get Chaos Nephthys turn 2 to break boards.

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ID: 262-100-758 Most recent replays are Nephthys. One is a typical endboard and the other is a going second.