True Draco

Win Streaks from on March 31st, 2023
cp-ur 60 + cp-sr 240
40 cards

Notes & Combos

New players I present you True Draco, the most invincible Archetype in Master Duel (In this current format/Meta). In fact this this Archetype is so invincible that people would surrender just seeing you have True Draco. It's going to make Labrynth and Runick players cry, Despia and Mathmech players quit the game, you don't believe me just watch the replays. Why is it invincible? Well we call the meta coin flip meta/handtrap meta, When you are using True Draco it doesn't matter whether you go first or second, doesn't matter even if your opponent has 100 handtraps, Most Handtraps are useless against True Draco. True Draco are a series of Wyrm monsters who bravely fought and defeated the then Tyrants (alongside Zoodiac). All the True Draco can tribute spells/traps for tribute and the spells/traps destroys cards to blow up your opponent when they go to gy. It's very easy to use and best part is you even build it without any URs. If you hate Runick, Labrynth or just sick of meta True Draco is your easy Salvation. ☹️

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