
Win Streaks from on March 31st, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

(Combo lines in comments)

Venus Agents without Kristya and Sanctuary. I found pretty quickly that Kristya felt unnecessary. While it's only 2 bricks, in a deck that already has 4 (3 MSB, Buten) and several often subpar draws (Dark Venus, Majesty, Trias) I really wanted to minimize those. While there were definitely some games I lost even going full combo as a result, I still won the vast majority, and even among those I lost probably half were getting overloaded with must-negate spells or DRNM, which Kristya doesn't really fare any better against.

I'm not particularly fond of Earth - it uses your normal to be a 2-card combo into Venus and still lose to every hand trap. I still run 1 copy since sometimes Sacred Waters must find a way to Venus, but overall I think Terrortop does its job better. It makes Cherubini which can send Venus, or sometimes Dark Venus. This makes Venus basically just as accessible t1 compared to using Earth since you need to use Neptune regardless, with the big advantage of not using your normal summon. Cherubini is also a Link 2 Fairy that is one body away from making Parshath to search Neptune and retrieve the Venus that was sent - particularly effective if that body is a 1-card starter itself, making for an insulated play. While introducing its own brick with Taketomborg is unfortunate, that's a deck cost I'm more willing to pay than Kristya because it helps this deck get to a point where it can make plays, which is most often where it falters.

Herald of Orange Light is really good and I would recommend adding more copies (probably over Imperm) when it gets freed. The discard is unfortunate, but it's such a powerful tool for stopping your opponent's plays and letting yours go through. In particular it's an extra out to Maxx C, which this deck cannot play through.

Generally, Venus is by far the most important card to resolve, so if possible bait hand traps onto Diviner, Earth, or Terrortop instead. Diviner being negated stops the typical line, but you can still make Masterflare for Dark Venus with Majesty Hyperion and said Diviner.

Lastly, don't forget to use your Sprights effectively for low-resource situations. If you can make Gigantic naturally, you can get Diviner to send Trias, make Elf then revive a different Fairy, which gives you a pop from N'tss and then 2 Fairies on board for the Trias pop. If you need to use Elf to make Gigantic then you don't get the second Fairy for the Trias pop, but it's still something at least.

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