
Win Streaks from on March 29th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

12.5% chance of opening both furniture and nib which totally destroys most matchups and deals with snake eye's nib counter strategy with field spell, making lab also the best nib user. (mathmech also can't link spider the token for extension, for example). With resolved maxC it's even higher. It is also totally fine to nib on turn 2 when you go first, and the chance that you would have furniture by then is super high since you can either get one on that turn or use a returned furniture for it.

gamma is really good and lab is arguably the best user with often no monsters and ability to pich driver with furniture, or potentially returning driver for 2nd gamma use. The current meta has a lot of combo decks and getting rid of bodies is really helpful to make sure they cannot extend further (this is also why the furn+nib combo is so good)

Imperm/veiler/mourner actually can't stop a good snakeyes player, and also those do very little vs SHS, mannadium, and mathmech. If you have enough to stop them, then you likely dont have enough cards to play through their handtraps. If you imperm the ash, they could still potentialy link off to linkuriboh and original sinful/normal summon ash/oak and continue. linkuriboh dodge further targeting negates. Going second this meta without nib/maxc resolved is hard for every deck anyways so we are not much worse off.

called by recks all top decks and is good defensively too. Super good into the mirror, snake eyes, super heavy, mathmech, etc and make them go negative.

lab doesnt care about maxC and other hands traps (even ash) dont hurt us that much. ashing welcomes mean our maxC resolves and we are still fine with 3daruma3nib3imperm2gamma

rollback is overrated and inconsistent imo. I think playing 1 might be fine but no more than that. Having the called by covers for a similar use case but it can also generate a huge advantage when used offensively. The deck list is already pretty tight and every card here have either guaranteed value or they are total blow out cards (nib/gamma/icedragon). Darmua > Rollback. The only card that might be droppable is probably ice dragon, but having that option for lady search is good and it is definitely strong in the meta, it's just that sometimes it cannot be used effectively when we draw it too early and there are no good target in opponent's grave.

The list is similar to Ryan(#1 DC Cup)'s, but in ladder you don't need the 2 five rainbows since there are a lot less SHS compared to DC cup.

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