
Win Streaks from on May 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Heres a further updated version of my melffy ghoti list, added map as a searcher for princess and removed the fieldspell as ive cut back on the ghoti cards to make room for gamma and driver, map into princess is very good bait for ash or maxx c which can result in you getting a free baronne on top of ur plays using accel stardust

wally is a 1 card deep beyond + a potential pop with kalantosa if u need it like so

wally ss puppy and catty, catty add pinny, puppy ss kalantosa pop, then u pinny with puppy catty in hand make arionpos, banish zep zep effect sync into deep beyond with airon+ zep + kalantosa

The melffy engine gives ghoti more gas and lets u get more syncros off on ur opponents turn, with catty u can search hop ear squadron or if u have a lot of melffys in hand u can search pinny and go straight into arionpos.

also having extra level 2s on board gives u more options in general

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My Youtube has a few ghoti replays and i will be uploading more in the future

heres another cool replay vs everyones most hated deck floow