Notes & Combos
currently diamond 4
road to diamond 1 , usually i dont grind that much. can literally beat any deck but has a hard time against exosisters.
rn evaluating my hand-trap options for a balanced mix against decks like exosisters, tearlaments and well.. now also naturia. exterio = gg obv. maybe not even handtraps but something like a golem or even karikura? we'll see what will work out. please drop recommends if u have some :)
gamma is a love/hate card. on opp turn i always draw the lvl 6 and on my i get the gamma but no maxx c by opp xd ...
no selene looks weird, i usually also love that card. i'm always switching things up and against weird unknown rogue decks (and also tears after wasting everything) arc xyz always is an instant win. also against toxic masq decks or something. sadly that one card requires 2 ed slots. i'd love to have a bo3 format in md with a side deck :)
what youre trying to do with this deck is really simple. usually u either end up on elf + vortex + borreload + baronne + time pend or on a bad draw 4 apollousa + negate or bagooska. there's a lot of ways to play that's why i like to play it while you have acess to a lot of good ed monsters. metaphys horus is incredibly underrated and can win you games as well
(let's say you only have odd-eyes synchron in hand and are able to summon onto the field -> use effect with any lvl 4 pendulum scale => metaphys horus = take control/negate effect of opp. monster (chain link block); -> use effect with oafdragon = instant supreme clear wing / borreload etc...
konami give us pls a lvl 2 pendulum hand trap or something lmao