Notes & Combos
This deck is a go second Chaos MAX OTK, focusing on summoning Iblee or Girsu token (defense mode with 0 DEF) on your opponent's side of the field then attacking it with Chaos MAX for 8000 damage. Mystical Capture Chain is there to be a Small World bridge and can be send from the deck along PSY-Frame Driver to summon Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon with Advanced Ritual Art.
The usual combo is something like (Iblee + Ecclesia):
- Normal Summon Iblee and link summon Linguriboh or Salamangreat Almiraj.
- Summon Iblee into your opponent's side of the field.
- Special summon Ecclesia and search for Dogmatikamatrix.
- Activate Dogmatikatrix and search for White Relic of Dogmatika + Dogmatikalamity.
- Activate Dogmatikalamity to ritual summon White Relic of Dogmatika by sending Herald of the Arc Light from the Extra Deck to the Graveyard.
- Activate the effects of Herald of the Arc Light and White Relic of Dogmatika. Search for Chaos Form / Advanced Ritual Art.
- Use the second effect of Dogmatikamatrix to send another Herald of the Arc Light from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard and search Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon.
- Summon Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, go to battle phase and attack into Iblee.
You can also search / pop cards with Nadir Servant and Dogmatika Maximus. If you somehow summon White Relic of Dogmatika after summoning Chaos MAX, you can increase his ATK or get a 4500 ATK White Relic. Just don't get locked out of the Extra Deck before summoning Iblee. Girsu can also summon a 0/0 token on both fields and link it into Link Spider, then link into Galatea and finally Xyz into Dingirsu for a non-targeting send to the Graveyard. The rest of the extra deck is there to be sent to the Graveyard to activate effects, to link summon with Iblee alone, or just as filler (Arise-heart). I also have a more Dogmatika-focused deck (with Alba Zoa, Fleurdelis, etc) that also uses Chaos MAX, but I'm having a lot of fun with this version right now.
In-game: 668-630-022