Notes & Combos
- optional:
- dd crow, 2x dora, SR bystial
- retaliating “C” for meme
- princess and ruddy never used; hiita can make opponent scoop
- accel haven’t seen anything in past 20 games, people in master rank don’t take the bait any more.
- droplet isn’t really that impactful: when i need it, i dont have it; when i use it, I dont have enough cards to discard.
- cut out:
- boardbreakers. 5 tenpai mirror in a row, bye to only go-second cards (raigeki, duster, TTT, etc)
- have:
- ghost ogre can pop tenpai field sometime, keep 1.
- nib x1 for mathmech/ritual beast. for ritual beast, use when they have banshee (before using banshee effect); got me 1 free win
- barrone can be from bystial-genroku - lv4 - make it first thing in main 1, could eat 1-2 negate
thanks for all the helps!
have more replay in my recordings.
last 5 games:
- 4x tenpai, go first. make something during oppo BP, win. dont imperm the seal btw.
- 1x ritual beast. nib and win.
in the last 20 games, i lost to:
- 60 cards bystial-horus-thunder dragon. 2x hand rip, 2x negate, cannot add cards to deck.
- yubel scythe lock.
- 60 cards tear-diamond tiger-necroface deck out from maxxC.