
Win Streaks from on September 20th, 2023
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 120
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck is the definition of rogue honestly. There is really no way that you can build it that will make it top tier, but this deck is probably the most fun I have had in MD. It is so interactive and the combos are very simple. Your turns aren't going to take half an hour but the boards are solid and you can easily put up interruption. Highly recommend because it is so cheap to build.

The ED is all flexible except for the Ninja monsters, but I highly recommend cross-sheep because it is a phenomenal extender. As for the main, the only card that you should cut if your budgeting is probably red reboot, but I do highly recommend it because it can be put into many different decks. Also your main counter is 100% Labrynth, like if you play against Lab with no reboot, I would scoop.

The main deck is kinda tight because I genuinely do not know what to cut, I would like to play evenly at x3 and add book of eclipse x3, but the ratios just don't work.

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935-824-840 The first two replays are Ninjas showing basic combos and interactions with opponents (The rest are from my zoodiac list)