
Xyz Cup DLv. Max from on July 26th, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Making Odion proud !

Chain Burn is an anti-meta blind second deck. Opponents won't see it coming, won't be ready for it and will scoop faster than ever when they realize their 15 HTS can't help them.

BEST MATCH UPS : Snake-Eyes, Rescue-Ace, Tear, Branded, Kashtira, Stun...

BAD MATCH UPS : Labrynth, Purrely

TECH CHOICES : 3rd Lord, 3rd Trap Trick, 3rd Dimension Wall, 3rd Gravedigger's Trap Hole, Boo-Boo Game, Marrella + Rollback, Michion the TimeLord, Volcanic Queen, Magic Cylinder...

EXTRA DECK : Gustav Max, Juggernaut, Seven Sins, Garura

Lots of mindgames with this deck so be patient at start. Understand each MU, always bait Battle Phase (forcing IP), calculate dmg output in Draw/Standbye Phase and if you can't OTK wait for your opponent to commit more ressources. Bluff/hide delays when you open Chain Strike/Mourner and use combos like Mourner + Ring or Dimension Wall + Mahaama to inflict tons of dmg. Only summon Lord within the BP (to block an attack) or, better, in the End Phase to get your follow up...

"Some men just wanna watch the world burn."

Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight (2008)

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Replays : 682 - 989 - 290

First three duels feature Chain Burn.

You can watch the rest if you're curious !