
Xyz Cup DLv. Max from on July 23rd, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Pretty straightforward Generaider list. This deck is really cool and I had a great time playing it in this cup, this is a power level it can do quite well in.

Most ratios and choices are pretty standard here so I'll just mention a few things. Deck count first of all, I really didn't want to go over 40 because consistency is one of the deck's main issues. Everything outside of Boss Stage pass requires a two-card combo, so I couldn't really justify increasing the size.

I was on Book of Moon and Eclipse for a few reasons. One, they're a meta call since they hit Kashtira and Purrely hard, the two decks I expected to see most. Two, they're almost always live, and since we don't have the best consistency, if I brick going first I want to be bricking on defensive cards, not board breakers. Three, they specifically insulate Diviner, a handtrap magnet, from Veiler and Imperm, and a flipped Diviner is irrelevant to our combos. With Trias and Called By as well, you have 7 outs to Veiler and 5 to Imperm. This was the list I used but honestly I think I would squeeze in another Eclipse just for this interaction, it comes up a ton. I'd probably cut Duster or one Maxx C.

Duster was there for Labrynth and Stun, it came up a few times but definitely not mandatory.

Two Trias would be another consideration, another good card for playing through interruptions. You could play Consecrated Light as a target off Diviner to pseudo-FTK Labrynth, but I don't think the meta overall is Lab or Dark-heavy enough to justify it.

Not much to say about the Extra Deck, typical handrip stuff plus the playable 9s and Zeus/TY-PHON. Normal Zeus play is Laevatein beat over something, go into Jormungandr, Jormungandr effect to get 3 materials, swing again, into Zeus to wipe the board and have 2 materials for the opponent's turn.

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