
Xyz Cup DLv. Max from on July 20th, 2024
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck did a lot better than I expected, though many games were won due to opponents making terrible mistakes so IDK what it would look like if they hadn't.

Alpha came up a lot, maybe a copy cuttable but not certain. Can use it to bounce itself and/or the 3 non-Imsety Horus dorks to hand to clear board then discard them with Sarc to get the full suite in your yard. Also fodder for Trade-In, obviously.

Lava Golem is an option, but I never found myself in a spot where I had Gameciel and would have preferred Golem, and on multiple ocassions tributed opp's Zeus (their only monster) to win the game.

I assume I'd prefer to have a 3rd Sarc over 2nd Tomb, but I don't have a 3rd copy and don't want to craft one. It's possible this split is better anyways, no idea.

Secret Village + Imsety + whatever backrow/handtraps you have into pass is a win in almost every game I had the opportunity to go for it. Do not under any circumstances pass turn with a 2nd+ monster in play, because Lava Golem is all over the format while Kaiju's are much less numerous. Anti-Spell Fragrance is similarly a huge hit to most decks, but it also hurts you so I don't know that a 2nd copy would be smart. TCBOO is goated because you get to ignore it.

For the Extra Deck: Ty-Phon, Felgrand, Sanaphond, and Heliopolis never came up, you can replace them with whatever. Can also replace the 2nd copies of Lancelot and Garunix if you have something else to put in those spots. 1st copy of each is extremely relevant, though. Zombie Vampire didn't come up much but I'm sure everyone already has a copy anyways. 🤷‍♀️

Would run 2nd Zeus if I had it, though I never found myself needing it in the games I played.

My original build was very different and included Rainbow Bridge, etc., but the amount of bricks I had to include for it (1 Eagle, 1 Rainbow Bridge, 1 FBG, 2 Thrust) was not justifiable for the frequency I could benefit from it. YMMV I guess.

Worth nothing that if you have Sarc in play your Horus monsters won't be destroyed by Garunix's on-summon effect, although the same applies to your opp's Horus monsters if they have their own Sarc in play. Be mindful.

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