
Xyz Cup DLv. Max from on July 25th, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This event sucks. I swear like 70% of my games were against Horus. I never want to see a King's Sarc again.

Simul Archfiends is diet D-Barrier. Stops the standard Kash Combo and Purrely from getting Noir.

EEV is for the mirror and for Horus, since they can't really do anything if they don't have King's Sarc out.

Extra is mostly random **** thrown together. TY-PHON didn't come up as much as I would've liked on account of nobody actually XYZ summoning. I did Numeron Dragon a couple of people out of the game, which was funny.

Crossout is here for the mirror and because everyone was on Evenly this event. Speaking of which, Evenly put in some work. It's great for outing a Horus board, as it doesn't trigger their effects.

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