Zombie World Eldlich

Xyz Cup DLv. Max from on July 25th, 2024
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 840
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Was originally gonna climb with galaxy eyes but I kept going up against trap decks so I decided to join them.

Lots of synergy between eldlich and paleo, just gotta be careful about flooding the board and the order you use traps. Mudora comes in clutch with putting horus monsters and my eldlich cards / zombie worlds I cant access back into the deck, although the latter has never come up.

Titanocider is there because I think the card name is cool, won me like 2 games max lol.

ED wise the only xyz monsters I used regularly were the paleo ones, Zeus, Typhon, and sometimes if my opponent let me keep my guys on board I would make vamp, full armour or adreus. The rest were just there to look pretty.

No replays because Im too lazy to sort through and delete my old ones.

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