
Xyz Festival from on February 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Post 'Flying "C" ' ban.

Seems most people avoid it, but 'Jack-In-The-Hand' is actually really good in pure Lyrilusc. Personally, I recommend it over 'Where Arf Thou?'. You can even play 3 if you'd like some more consistency.

The goal of the deck is to go 2nd and OTK with 'Assembled Nightingale'; or 'Recital Starling' and Nightingale.

'Lyrilusc - Phantom Feathers' can stop a lot of decks if used correctly - was usually used to get through turn 3 if OTK failed, as an alternative to 'Zeus' when I had multiple XYZs on the field. Is also a turn 1 option.

'Ensemblue Robin' and 'Promenade Thrush' seldom came up in this event, feel free to drop to 1 or even cut them for other things.

'Harpie's Feather Storm' is a big turn 1 or 3 card when it came up, but was seldom very useful. One can cut it for more handtraps, consistency or going 2nd cards.

Lyrilusc relies completely on at least 2 card combos, sometimes you will brick.

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