Notes & Combos
Planet Pathfinder acts as 3 more copies of either of your field spells while also being Machine in grave to make Regulus live. This deck doesn't need Normal Summon that much.
PSY-Framegear Gamma is a great way to protect your Field Spells and also Planet Pathfinder. You can aslo clear your field on their turn by taging out your Ship/using Interluder and Regulus removes itself when using his negate eff.
Utopia Double OTK package is your main way of finishing the game, simply having Golgonda+Rockey allows you to do it and if you already have Interluder on the field or Regulus you will have protection as well. Keep in mind that Utopia Double has a quick eff, so don't use it in the Main Phase wait for Battle Phase, just in case of Effect Veiler.
Draglubion package you don't need, i never used it was just a filler, play whatever rank 4s you own.
Some example duels:
My Master Duel ID: 578-960-703